Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is certainly one of the principles that the Mardešić company is based on. Throughout the entire history of the business, there has always been a genuine partnership between the company and the community. The Mardešić factory organises employee training courses regularly and cares about employee satisfaction in the workplace, and in accordance with its economic growth, it improves the quality of life of the wider community of Dugi Otok through donations and grants for various projects.

Sustainable Fisheries

Odgovorno upravljamo resursima

We Manage Resources Responsibly

  • Fish Procurement Policy
  • Added Value of By-products
  • Eco-friendly Packaging Design
  • IFS
Potrošač je na prvom mjestu kod donošenja odluka i nudimo mu najbolje proizvode

The Consumer Comes First in Decision Making and We Offer Them the Best Products

  • Responsible Marketing and Communication
  • Traceability
  • Nutritional Quality
  • "Clean Label" Concept
Promoviramo socijalno blagostanje

We Promote Social Well-being

  • Employee Training
  • Preventive Examinations
  • Work Environment Quality
  • Additional Training and Seminars
Dijelimo naše stavove i predanost

We Share Our Values and Commitment

  • Fish Procurement Policy
  • Added Value of By-products
  • Eco-friendly Packaging Design
  • IFS

Recognition for Our Fish Procurement Policy

Bureau Veritas

Recognition from an Independent Body, BUREAU VERITAS:

  • Specification Development
  • Specification Validation by the Certification Board
  • Annual Audits, Mardešić and Suppliers
    • Compliance with Specifications
    • Individual Scoring by Type (Type, Origin, Catch Method, Supplier, ... )
    • Traceability

The Four Pillars of Our Fish Procurement Policy

Odgovorno upravljamo resursima

We Manage Resources Responsibly

Commitment to Responsible Resource Management Based on Availability Assessment and Catch Method.

Sustainable Fish
Kvaliteta proizvoda

Product Quality

Strict Selection of Raw Materials Based on Organoleptic and Food Safety Criteria.

Specifications for Each Type

IFS Food


Monitoring Fishing, systematic traceability to the fishing boat and independent controls.

Hrvatski Otocni Proizvod
Socijalni zahtjevi

Social Requirements

Commitment to Respecting Working Conditions and Workers' Rights (Occupational Safety, Regular and Additional Training).

Riba Hrvatske

Enviromental protection

The Mardešić d.o.o. company strives to meet the strictest safety criteria when it comes to factors that affect the environment. Each production process is approached in accordance with environmental legislation. Doing business on the island is quite specific due to the limited resources, however, special attention is dedicated to water conservation and waste reduction. For waste recycling, selective waste disposal containers are used, while authorised companies oversee the collection of waste.

Quality control

In the Mardešić company’s business activity, the utmost attention is paid to the freshness and the origin of the fish used for production, as well as to the quality and health safety of the finished products. The products are manufactured according to recipes and specifications that are regularly revised. Within the factory, a special organisational unit in charge of quality control has been set up within which there is a laboratory with equipment for monitoring all the critical manufacturing points in accordance with the HACCP system and quality systems; starting with the admission of the fish, then going through the entire production cycle and finally the shipment of the finished product.

Mardešić d.o.o. products hold the HACCP certificate, the IFS certificate, and the BIO certificate for the line of products of organic origin.

IFS food


Hrvatska kvaliteta