Mardešić d.o.o. is a company located in Sali on the island of Dugi Otok with a long tradition of processing blue fish. Many generations of people from all over Croatia as well as the entire region have enjoyed Mardešić’s products that over the years have been prepared according to traditional island recipes. Today, Mardešić employs just over 80 workers, and daily production can reach up to 70,000 cans that are then marketed on both domestic and export markets. On the domestic market, the factory is present via its own brand called 'Mardešić', as well as other brands that are produced for chain stores such as Konzum, Plodine, Lidl and Ultra Gros. The export markets are Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Japan, and Greece, with the bulk of the exports directed towards France.